Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Trouble sleeping...*))

The silence of night can be deafening when you can't sleep.

Here I am once again, laying here, mind wondering away with baskets full of my peaceful slumber. Why can't I get to sleep lately? I'm beating my head against the wall (not literally) with this question. Too much on my mind, my friend. I watch the hours tick away...10...11...12...1...2. For weeks now.

Every morning I have to come face to face with the sun and the stark realization that yes, once again, I achieved maybe 4-5 hours decent rest. I can tell you in over-emphasis that that is just not enough. No, not for a mother of 4 who needs to move non-stop all day to keep up with all the fiery pins she's juggling. (I've been watching too much America's Got Talent.)

I'm tired! Half way through each day I feel as though someone has given me an IV with a black hole on the other end. I'm sick of the grump in the mirror every morning, fighting for a shred of joy so I don't rip someones head off...just being honest.

Maybe I'm spreading myself entirely too thin and it's making my brain tweak out. I long for some sort of balance. It all looks like peaches and cream on the outside but the inside is melted! When I lay down at night it is as if the shift sets gears in motion in my head... What do I need to do tomorrow? Do I need to go anywhere? Do I have homework? What am I going to feed the kids for lunch? We're almost out of laundry soap. If they don't start keeping their stuff picked up, I swear I'll go on strike! (LOL, it would never work!) 

Stop brain, enough is enough. For. Real.    

Insomniacs~ I feel your pain! How do people do this?

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